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Fleming Way, Swindon

Client: Muse Developments Limited
Architect: Roberts Limbrick Ltd
Principal Contractor: Rydon Construction
Completion Date: March 2017
Form of Contract: Design & Build
Approximate Value: £10 million

Project Description
Forming part of a major mixed-use scheme developed by Muse in partnership with Swindon Borough Council and the Homes and Communities Agency the project consisted a new primary healthcare facility for NHS Property Services which included consulting rooms, treatment rooms, pharmacy, dental surgery’s shared office space, meeting rooms, dietitians office, reception area, records room, staff lockers, utilities, stores and waiting rooms.
Demolition of the former Wiltshire Constabulary HQ building had previously been undertaken and the site remediated under a previous contract. Pre-construction information was collected and verified by BWS who identified the risk of potential residual ground borne asbestos.
The site was confined with very little space for site welfare and vehicular movements. Site welfare and deliveries were therefore provided through a temporary partial road closure. A shared vehicular access with an adjacent multi-storey home for the over 55’s, had to been maintained clear of obstruction for emergency vehicle access.
Whilst BWS were not appointed to prepare the handover documentation we did provide a free service to check the format and completeness of the operating and maintenance manuals, together with the CDM Health & Safety File.

BWS Innovation & Added Value
Close co-ordination with the principal contractor to manage the site logistics plan to maintain vehicular access, including emergency access and public means of escape through the site from the rear of an adjacent old peoples’ home.
Co-ordination of a safe access strategy to minimise cost in-use by providing collective protection for internal and external maintenance.
Assisting the project management team to achieve handover, including site snagging inspection under The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations prior to handover and checking issue of building certification and product guarantees.