Southgate Street, Winchester

Client: Harding Holdings Ltd
Architect: Ayre Chamblain Guant
Principal Contractor: Agincourt Contractors Ltd
Completion Date: May 2017
Form of Contract: Design & Build
Approximate Value: £1 million
Project Description
New four storey mixed use development on previous demolition site, including single ground floor commercial unit shell and core, together with 4No. residential apartments, common landlord areas and associated drainage, incoming utilities and landscape to rear garden.
The works were completed on a town centre site with no parking or licensed delivery/lay-down access from Southgate Street.
BWS Innovation & Added Value
BWS worked closely with Ayre Chamberlain Guant to develop a coherent maintenance access strategy eliminating the majority of fall restraint systems within the initial design. We also provided advice on site elements such as structural stability of existing retaining walls and enabling works in association with party wall agreements.
In addition, we assisted the principal contractor to develop a suitable Construction Phase Plan, together with economic means to provide welfare accommodation where the only available room was the rear garden.
BWS monitored the construction works during construction process.